Shut it down.
The company will buy it back.
No. Not this time, Pop.
I did this on my own,
and we will open tonight!
That is bullshit!
Sell it back!
That is a fucking order!
Do you fucking hear me?!
Shut it!
You shut it, god damn it!
Shut it down
and sell this fucker!
Shut it, Patrick--
What's goin' on, baby?
Jimmy's into it, man.
That's what I'm saying.
Just wait.
Jimmy, what's happening, baby?
Good to see you.
You remember Eddie Mack,
don't you?
We met.
We did the afterschool
b-ball thing at Kenwood.
What it is, homeboy?
What it will be.
Jimmy, you know
Officer Lupovich, right?
I've heard of him.
Man, you got a nice crib here.
It's nice to see
a black man doing so well.
Everybody's happy.
We do all right.
But things change.
You gotta think ahead.
Got them lotteries
all over now, Bonesy.
Starting here, too.
Maybe next year.
Yeah, Jimmy.
A lot of our old customers...
are getting their new people
across the state lines...
buying those lotto tickets.
We need to get
on this thing fast.
What do anybody want with
them damn lottery tickets?
What else, youngblood?
No, man.
It ain't the money.
It's the high.
The big fat floating
"What if?"
Dig, it's way
more profitable, man.
Nobody ever wins,
so you never pay out.