You're Dr. Phreak?
Ha ha ha ha!
You're so mini! Ha ha ha!
-Mini? Oh, no!
Me, mini?! I'm not mini!
I'm not mini!
Not! Not! Not!
I'm not mini!
Who the hell are you?
He's the bubble boy.
Shut your beak!
What are you doing
out of your coop?
I shut up.
I could use
some fresh meat in my show.
Why don't you hop
your little bubble butt...
back on that train?
Thanks, but, um...
I gotta get to
Niagara Falls by Saturday...
to stop Chloe
from getting married.
That's so, so beautiful.
I, too, once loved another.
-You did?
-For 1 0 minutes.
Then I kicked her ass
out of the car.
Well, I gotta get going.
What are you gonna do?
You're a freak,
and I should know.
That's my business.
No decent girl wants
to marry a bubble freak.
Once you get that through
your thick, freaky skull...
then give me a call.
What's wrong with being a freak?
-Oh! That hurt!
Is he OK?
I didn't mean to...
He looks so sweet
when he's not yelling.
You've killed him.
-What are we going to do?
Good luck! Bye!
Uhh! Heads up, Bubble!
OK. Bye!
Get your own bags!
What do you think I am--bellhop?
Hey, where are you guys going?
We're going with you,
Dr. Bubble.
We're going with you.
Dr. Bubble? No, no!
You guys are free.
You can do whatever
you want now.