Burn, baby, burn
Disco inferno
Burn, baby, burn
Burn that mother down,
Burn, baby, burn
Disco inferno
Burn, baby, burn
Whoo! Just like Calcutta
in the summer!
Come! Follow me!
Come on!
I don't think I'm in!
Stop messing about!
This whole town
is going to blow!
Ha ha ha ha! Boy, howdy!
Now, that's a good fire!
Heh heh heh!
Disco inferno, yeah
Burn the mother down
Burn, baby, burn
Ice cream! ice cream!
Let's go. Come on.
Watch out for the feet.
I told you before.
Look out!
Coming through!
I'm on the run!
Morton, that's the one!
Jimmy! Jimmy! We're here!
Morton, get this thing open.
Look at this cute
little boy, Morton!
Can you tell me,
have you seen my son?
He's wearing
a large plastic bubble suit.
I know what you want.
I'll give you some candy.
He stole my freaks,
that son of a bitch!
Oh! What a potty mouth
you have!
Where was he going?
Screw you, lady!
Thanks for
saving me back there.
You're welcome.
Those were some crazy vatos.