Frozen! No germs!
No germs?
When did this happen?
Thanks for the lift!
So long!
Ice cream
It was one thing
that my mom...
had never heard of
the bitch-slapping goddess...
but it seemed like everybody
should have heard...
germ-free ice cream.
Everybody loves ice cream.
Dear Lord,
if Thou findest...
the stealing of this truck
offensive in any way...
please direct Thy wrath
upon that midget...
and not upon us,
Thy humble servants. Amen.
All right.
Let's haul ass.
One of you drive.
I can't reach the pedals.
Upsy-daisy. Whoo!
I am coming back
as a cockroach.
Definitely a cockroach.
Oh ho ho! Oh ho ho!
Aah! Aah!
Now, we don't know where
those hands have been, do we?
Rub them together.
Kill those germs!
That's right.
Good boy.
No! Stop!