Taxi! Taxi!
Hi! I need to get
to Niagara Falls by tomorrow.
Can you take me there?
-On what?
Goin' that far I'll have
to get me some Depends.
And 500 smackers!
Where am I gonna get $500?
Who wants to be next?
Who wants the $500?
Now, we need
some fresh blood here!
Whoa! Spotlight
on the dance floor!
Whoa, I like the look of this!
Mr. Alien, is it?
What are you doing here, dummy?
I saw the sign outside...
and it said that you
have $500, and so...
You want $500?
Yes. I would like $500.
You want $500?
Yes. Please, I would like $500.
You want $500?
Yes, I want $500!
All right!
Our next contestant,
Mr. Alien!
Red Hot, Working Girl,
bring him on over!
A big cheer for Mr. Alien!
Mud! Mud! Mud! Mud!
Mud! Mud! Mud!
Aah! Hey!
Whoa! Oh, whoa!
Bubble Boy! Bubble Boy!
Goddess Shiva,
I really need that money!
I pledge allegiance
to the flag...