Tough guy.
Stop with the agent stuff. Okay?
You have your own kid to play with.
Don't take it for granted.
Where you going?
Could you do that again?
Next time the boy talks to you,
tilt your head and perk your ears.
You'll see what I'm talking about.
And do me a favor.
Tell Butch Ivy's back in town.
What're you looking at?
I guess you're kind of cute.
Look who it is. I got you.
Last night your mother and I
had a conversation. . .
. . .that made me think that maybe. . .
. . .you and I should talk. . .
. . .about you and me
and my big project.
You want to sit down?
Oh, yeah. Sure, sure.
Your mom made me think that. . . .
Well, I'm coming to your
soccer tryout this afternoon.
No, you don't have to.
But. . . .
Yeah! Okay.
-Oh, good. Cool. Cool.
You don't want to be late for school.
Yeah, I am.
-See you, Dad.
-See you.
Go, go, go! I'll be cheering for you!
Our team is red-hot
Your team ain't doodly-squat