Cats & Dogs

Work quickly.
Only seven months until Christmas.

-Mr. Mason!
-Move. Back to work.

-Get a life.

Out of my way.
No lunch for you.

Mr. Mason!
-Morning, sir.
-Nice hat.

-How you feeling?

-Hello, sir.
-That's me.

Not an evil cat bent on
taking over the world.

Out of my way.
Factory employees, congratulations.
This factory has been
accident-free for 45 minutes.

Sir! Mr. Mason.
-Get the door.

Nice dress.
-Can I get you anything?
-Sushi and cream.

Close the door.
Attention, human workers.
This is your employer...
. . .Mr. Mason.
Effective immediately,
you are all fired.

That's right. Fired!
Go home now. Do not ask why.
You are to blame.
Unless you have a dog.
Then blame him.

In fact, kick him when you get home.
That is all.
Cats rule.
Now, the next phase of my plan.
I have a package for you.
Wait. Where'd she go?
In or out? In or out?

Honey, honey.
You'll never believe this.
A breakthrough.
