
Whom may I be speaking to?
It is very complex, these laws.
A lot of time and thought have been
put to them, and some of these here...

:10:10 notice all the SS...
...have little idea what is lawful
and no respect for what they do know.

Certainly not these men. To them,
laws are like ice cream: Easily melted.

I suspect that is why this meeting,
which is under my department...

:10:24 being called by the SS. Do you know?
Only what the invitation suggested.
They always want to meet.
The SS love to meet.

And they always want something more...
...though they have everything.
Has anyone heard anything remotely
optimistic about the Moscow assault?

No good news. Sympathies all around.
- It's cold.
- What?

It must be cold.
What have we got?
I see wine, but no beer.
And what are these?

- Cigars, sir.
- Please.

Neumann, Director,
Office of the Four-Year Plan.

Luther! Excuse me.
- Sir, this is...
- Director, Four-Year Plan.

A close associate of Reichsmarshal Göring.
Neumann, I introduce Dr. Klopfer...
...a close associate of the Brown Eminence.
- Brown?
- I represent Martin Bormann...

...the Party Chairman
of the Thousand-Year Plan.

- Is Dr. Kritzinger here?
- Yes, he is, sir.

That's a relief.
- Are they under way?
- Not yet, sir.

- Who's late?
- We are.

- Who is not here?
- Gen. Heydrich, sir, but he's on his way.

He will make his entrance.
Everything is fine, everyone's comfortable:
Food, cigars, wine.

