
Except that there are countries
that define Jewishness non-racially...

...merely as a religious practice:
England, America.

Therefore, by our racial principles...
...there may be many additional
uncounted Israelites.

And he speaks Jewish. He does!
He does!
What, then, confronts us here...
:22:21 open discussion, which will inform
the choices we must make...

:22:25 what to do...
:22:27 deal with this staggering number
of Jews overwhelming us.

My suggestion is
to take all able-bodied Jews...

...separated according to sex, to the East...
:22:36 work in units,
specifically for road building.

Yes. Can we be practical?
You are hardly describing the promised
livable conditions for these people.

On the face of it, your plan...
...excuse me, does not succeed.
It is fanciful.
You have, in this collection here...
...five million Russo-European Jews:
10% agriculture...

...15% urban workers,
tradesmen: Almost 20%...

...bureaucrats: Almost 24%...
...doctors, writers, journalists,
actors and so on: Almost 33%.

Building roads?
75% of your five million have not
picked up anything heavier than a pencil.

Yes, and most will be casualties,
eliminated by natural causes.

We intend to be complete.
We will comb Europe from west to east...

...starting with the protectorates,
Bohemia and Moravia.

We will evacuate them first.
All to-be-evacuated Jews, group by group...

...will be sent to, call them transit ghettos,
and then transported to the east.

- Please...
- You want yours first! I understand.

Let me make my case, you'll be heard.
When, in your plan,
do you take their women away?

How they love to make the beast.
Control yourself.
Jews who have beyond 65 years
will be moved into old-age ghettos...

...possibly Theresienstadt will be chosen,
where they can expire at their own speed.

We will sweep
all wounded Jewish veterans...

...and those given military decorations.
