
...from the Jewish stranglehold,
and I believe, together, we will.

But the brief remains clear: All of Europe...
...England, from Lapland to Libya,
from Vladivostok to Belfast...

:25:12 Jews.
Not one.
I propose that the appropriate expert from
the Foreign Ministry...

...act as channel to the SS security police
in each country.

I'm counting on you to be my link
to the Foreign Ministry.

I think, having explained in general
what we are challenged to do...

...I would be grateful for comments
and questions.

Let us have some refreshment in here.
Pretend we are the directors of I.G. Farben.

- That's how they do it, yes?
- That is how we do it.

My friend,
I have read your recommendations.

I appreciate the effort and the thought.
I heard some of what I wrote
in what you already said.

I think not.
I hear that Heydrich has
a little Jew blood in him.

Why don't you ask him?
- The numbers are misleading.
- Misleading?

"Who is a Jew?" is another question.
- They're not a heterogeneous...
- Not a heterogeneous population.

And how is it that you can speak Hebrew?
Or is it only Yiddish you speak?
I lived among them, I worked among them,
and I picked up a few words.

Jewish, Yiddish, what they were,
not enough to speak.

So I went in search of a rabbi.
Rabbi means "teacher," I came to find out.
May I tell you the Lord's honest truth?
So many of our highest ranking officers...
...whose responsibility it is
to deal with the Israelites...

...they make no attempt
to get inside the Jewish head.

I went to visit this rabbi,
old man, long beard, in his one-room flat.
