
So very kind.
- Close the doors, please.
- Those mixed in the first degree.

Yes, those mixed in the first degree,
who are exempted...

...will be sterilized.
May I just point out,
in regard to special exemptions...

:34:15's widely known,
I've heard the opinion expressed myself...

...that there are 80 million good Germans...
...and each one knows his "decent Jew,"
even if he regards all the rest as vermin.

If there are decent Jews, then before they
are decent and indeed after, they are Jews.

No. First-degree exempted
will be sterilized.

No more children, and eventually,
no more mixed blood, once and for all.

It is important to know what words mean.
But it's important to remember
in 1,000 years...

:34:40 matter who holds the power,
history will be written in those words.

Do you expect the men serenely
to submit to being sterilized?

Why not?
They've already had their cocks clipped.

It's voluntary. One can lose
one's possibility to reproduce...

...or one can be evacuated.
If a first-mixed is sterilized, of course,
the Nuremberg restrictions don't apply.

- The Nuremberg Laws are very specific...
- When I am done.

Thank you. Please.
As to second-degree mixed,
those born to a half-Jew and German...

...or one-quarter Jew,
three-quarters German, equals German.

With exceptions: If both parents are
mixed-blood, the child's a Jew.

If the child looks or sounds Jewish,
even with only one-quarter mixed...

When that blood is dominant.
Then he is a Jew.
Third: A mixed-second with
a criminal or political record...

Excuse me, sir, is this a second or a third?
A mixed-second.
- Third exception.
- Third exception.

In other words, he that behaves like a Jew
will be considered as such.

If any of these second-mixed exceptions
marry a German...

...then they will be evacuated,
no special dispensations.

- The marriage laws are very complex...
- Mixed marriages include German relatives.

They have a vested interest in the couple,
also in children born to the marriage.

So here it is.
Marriages between mixed-firsts and
Germans, if they have had no children...

...depending on repercussions
on the German side...

...either the half-Jew is evacuated,
or to the old-age ghetto.
