- Theresienstadt.
- Possibly. Somewhere.
The same holds true for the full-blood Jew
with a German wife or husband.
If there are children,
if the rules classify them as Jews...
...they go with the Jew parent, evacuation
or ghetto, depending on the case.
If they're classified as German, that spares
both the child and the Jew parent.
Jews of first-mixed
married to first-mixed are Jews.
Children as well, treated as such.
First-mixed married to second-mixed
and children, the same.
Unless they're exempted by special
considerations, they are gone.
Otherwise to the ghetto,
possibly Theresienstadt.
In all cases,
the SS will be the determining agency.
No question lingers in your mind
about that, does it?
Sterilization will be a growth industry.
Who would not choose infertility
to avoid evacuation?
- They would never know.
- Would never know what?
If you use a word other than "sterilize"...
You think they would never know?
It is simply a matter of secrecy.
The smell of blood carries very far.
I find the plan unworkable.
I find the plan personally insulting.
I have given years to codifying the laws
regarding interracial marriage.
Now I'm presented with this clumsy,
forgive me, unworkable structure.
My work, these laws,
any legal code worthy of the name...
...restricts the enforcers of law
as well as its subjects.
There are some things you cannot do.
As you see it.
What I see is all I have to contribute here.
Let me offer a modification,
a simple change we can all accept.
Maybe this helps the outline.
Sir, what you have suggested,
and not to put too fine a point on it...
...you have said the half-mixed
will be eliminated.
- Evacuated.
- "Evacuated." My mistake.