That is why sterilization is
the preferred option.
It leaves our captive workforce,
what remains of it...
I do not think our people want to wait
a generation to end this problem.
We have deferred Jews by the thousands
in armaments, construction.
Wait, I can give you an exemplar.
It's just a quote from a letter
from the Debruder Public Company...
...but there are many companies...
The sound of his voice,
and the sun goes down.
- The specialist for I.G. Farben...
- I do not think you understand...
Over 10,000 Jews
in the metal industry alone...
...about 19,000 altogether in Berlin,
and that's just Berlin...
...failing our production goals, even now,
for the war!
He makes a point.
We are moving too fast here.
Nothing has been thought through.
The questions of sterilization
and deportation are separate.
- Yes, but linked.
- Deportation, evacuation, elimination.
Where I am, we have to move them out
now, quickly, wipe them away.
- Yeah, not to return.
- Never to return.
There are labor shortages
in the Reich and elsewhere we control.
- There is no argument about that.
- Everywhere, and in our four-year plan...
Not that fucking four-year plan again.
But our war is against the Jews.
I do not see the logic...
We won't sterilize them and wait until they
die, or sterilize and exterminate the race.
That's farcical.
Dead people don't hump or get pregnant.
Death is the most reliable form
of sterilization. Put it that way.
So who is deferred?
First-degree mixed married to Germans
with second-degree children are exempt.
Individually, first-degree mixed
who have special privilege.
- For labor, if needed...
- I can't give a rule for everything.
Can I just say one word more?
In the obligation
to maintain a lawful society...
Another lecture.
...what we would be saying to those...
Where we depart from the law
in deporting a Jew married...
Good! Deport them!
- A new law will be required...
- Write it! Why don't you write it?