He is a very brilliant scholar of the law...
...and, I'm sure, just as totally committed
to a Jew-free Europe as any of us.
Let us take a moment.
Go on with the food.
More lemon.
If you are suggesting that you have
dominion over me, just remember this:
Even the Party,
which I have served loyally since 1922...
...answers to the government.
They both answer to the Führer.
You may be a friend of Göring...
...but if you're a betting man,
put your money on Bormann.
Hear you've been flying
that little plane of yours.
This morning, yes.
I'm never comfortable off the ground.
Not me, I admit.
Nietzsche advises the secret
to enjoying life is to live dangerously.
He enjoyed it so much he went mad.
Look at the world,
and tell me the pleasures of sanity.
Excuse me, Doctor.
Would you join me for a moment?
Thank you.
We will accomplish this.
I will not allow administrative
technicalities to slow it down.
Every agency will jump to follow my order,
or arses will sting.
And there are no shortages of meat hooks
on which to hang enemies of the state.
This will be an SS operation.
And as the war goes on, the SS will
more and more command the agenda...
...and put marks against the names
of the less than cooperative.
You have a choice to make.
You understand that I respect the...