...until you dry up and die.
Then tell me about infallibility.
Those little Nuremberg country sausages,
the gritty little ones.
- You can keep your oysters. What is that?
- Can you get them here?
- Lange?
- Yes, sir?
Who were those 30,000 you say you shot,
when you say you shot?
In Riga, Latvia.
27,800 I have some responsibility for.
And stood by with my men and allowed
Latvian civilians to kill in mobs.
I received memos directing the,
one would say, "evacuation" of Jews...
...who, shot and buried in soil and corpses,
managed to crawl out, still alive.
Not exactly war, is it?
- And gas chambers about to come?
- What gas chambers?
Gas chambers?
I hear rumors, yes.
This is more than war.
- Must be a different word for this.
- Try "chaos."
Yes. The rest is argument,
the curse of my profession.
I studied law as well.
How do you apply that education
to what you do?
It has made me distrustful of language.
A gun means what it says.
Do we need all this discussion?
- He has his style.
- Yes. Very persuasive.
Is there a problem, Doctor?
He is non compos mentis.
- It's your boss.
- On your feet.