
You accept, casually...
...the obliteration of legal distinctions...
...and the use of extreme,
inconceivable measures...

...that, I say again, that our Chancellery
was assured would not be used.

That is where we have come.
A soldier cannot decide
where he chooses to fight.

Where are we here?
Gen. Heydrich invited your opinions
on the methodology.

I can say this.
You're going to have your work cut out
with the Catholic church...

...with the Reich divorcing
all those Catholics.

That's not going to make
our priests very comfortable...

...or the Vatican.
The Vatican has no love for the Jew.
Why should they interfere?

The Lutherans would not object either.
I agree with Dr. Stuckart.
The problems outweigh
the short-term ideological satisfactions.

Military necessity comes first.
Am I wrong?

Why can this not be simpler?
The Ministry of Justice, which I represent,
can live with it gladly.

Maj. Lange, an opinion?
...I accept the chain of command.
I have no other gods before it.

The politics of it all...
No, nothing.
- We are more than a nation of armies.
- I hope.

If Dr. Stuckart is saying we should turn
a few Jew-loving Germans against us...

...I would happily throw them all
on the same transport.

It is, however, a political decision,
not mine particularly to make.

Can you step back from trying
to settle these details today?

Other agencies will want to be heard.
Now, that is wisdom from my neighbor.
I favor sterilization, I think,
but not wholesale...

...what Gen. Heydrich outlined earlier.
Why not?

X- rays, injections: Why are we discussing
theoretical solutions?

Goethe said that theories are gray,
but that real life is green.

Stop chattering, and be realists here.
I insist, as I have before,
that the best way is the quickest way.

Purge them totally off our land,
ideally, off our planet.
