What is going on?
Someone get me outta here!
Peter! Paul! Get me outta here!
Oh, yeah,
that's what I'm talkin' about.
Ah, damn. They both got away.
No. Pissant got one.
You just reminded him of this
horse thief he once knew...
and I defended your honour...
and he grew angry.
You got a cool head, man.
Goin' down on your knees,
crying like a girl?
That was great!
That's something I learned
from our friend the possum.
It's a tactic he would use
to thwart off his enemies.
We'll back you up any time,
- Call me Corky.
- My name's Terrence.
- I'm Bob.
- Hey, Bob.
You guys want to get
an orange julius or something?
We can't. Brick is sending us
to collect evidence...
on some underground casino.
Do you guys know
where Kate is, by chance?
She'd probably get a kick
out of this whole thing.