Good day.
You guys want some cookies?
- I'm sorry, you guys.
- What is it, Corky?
I couldn't get the...
Sweet Jesus!
- ! Ay, Dios mío!
- What is she doing here?
That's Esperanza,
dad's new nurse.
Don't worry about her, Corky.
She don't speak English.
How do you know my name?
- What?
- Corky.
You said that name again.
Why are you freakin' out?
I'm gonna go, uh, make some...
toaster strudel for everyone.
I assume everyone wants one.
What the hell
are you doing here?
What the hell are you doing
here dressed like that?
I just came from
a Girls of America meeting...
and... I sponsor
one of the girls...
and it's traditional
that you wear...
these outfits at the meetings.
I don't have time to talk.
What are you doing here?
I realized no one's
gonna just hand me...
a good undercover case,
so I made Shuster...
send me in here
to collect more evidence.
- What about you?
- I'm... undercover, too.
That is so typical!
Shuster gave me his word...
that he wouldn't
send a man to cover me.
No, I was just here first.
That's why I'm here now.
How come Shuster
didn't say anything?
He doesn't know.
You're undercover
without clearance or backup?
That's insane!
Yeah, I know.
It's crazy, isn't it?
Uh, look,
this area is totally covered.
You can back off now.
No. I worked hard for this.
You back off.
Look, I don't have time
to fight with you, OK?
I don't want you to get hurt.
I don't need you to protect me.
- Fine.
- Fine.