Takin' control of the family.
I never thought
I'd see the day.
I never thought I would,
You know what
you looked like just now?
Your mother.
Your mother was the glue
that held this family together.
You got the same instincts.
I see a lot of her in you.
Is that why you sent me away?
You know what? I sent you away
because I love you.
You're not cut out
for this business.
You're cut out
for something better.
And you proved that.
I just wanted to be
part of the family...
just on my own terms.
You are part of the family.
You're my son.
For what it's worth, I believe
you didn't do those things.
And I think I know
why they think you did.
Peter! Paulie! Come quick!
Dad's having a heart attack!
Leo, call the doctor!
He's gone, Leo.
His last words, Leo...
he was calling out for you.
Now's your chance
to make your peace.
Why would Pissant
steal the evidence?