What was that?
Ah! Please, no! Stop!
Stop it! Stop it already!
Government officials have decided to put
a 300,00,000 wulong bounty
on the head of the perpetrator of this crime.
What's the meaning of this?
Even there?
How was it?
lt's strange,
l've never seen anything like this.
On most of the patients,
l can see brain activity.
There's absoulutely no clue as to what did it though.
We have no idea whatsoever.
l don't know any more than you do.
ln every patient, there was normal bodily activity,
but now they're all like new born babies.
ltjust gets worse.
Worse than natural causes, or the ebola virus?
lf anything, it's more like AlDS.
We can't tell what it is though.
What's that supposed to mean?
There's no evidence of anything ever being there.
lt's annoying that there aren't any clues.
The only thing that we can think of is
a new type of virus, or a biological weapon,
lt is ...
tremendously powerful.