How did you do that?
l hacked into the card company.
Someone used it,
and the truck suddenly exploded.
The guy that was on it wan't Lee.
Maybe he was an ally.
l can't really tell.
What wouderful information...
You think we can catch him
with that messed up picture?
What are you saying?
l remember his face perfectly
Here you go!
Use this pen.
You can write on the monitor with it.
On top of that, how can we be sure that
he's the criminal?
By being there without using a gas mask,
he'd already be dead.
That man is not dead.
How can you tell?
l just know...
You just know?
lt's kone.
What's this?
An Abangld's face or something?
This is great!
lf you can catch him with this drawing,
l'll pay the bounty!
ls that so...
lt doesn't matter anymore.
l 'll go catch him myself.
Ah, well that was a waster of time.
l'll go look around.
You do something?
What's the world coming to?
A woman's hunch can't be ignored
Besides, sometimes l like to eat something
that's not inside a cup.