The higher ranks want more power.
The low lifes just get in with the Yakuza.
lf we get picked on,
it's not gonna be pretty.
Stinks like shit...
lt hasn't changed.
That's why l quit.
Do you know about Dengoku?
The place between Heaven and Hell.
lt is a place where people are left behind
and canot ascend into Heaven.
Yes, lt is about this world.
ls this all?
ln this one capsule,
there is 30,000 of them.
lf you open the capsule it will
create copies of itself.
Hey, be careful with it!
What about the money?
lsn't this different from your offer?
You'll get the other half after the party.
You can do with the rest as you please.
uh, yeah...
l'll be saying good bye to this cheap life.
Can l ask you a question?
Why on Halloween?
ln the old days,
Halloween was a day when people prayed
for souls to go to Heaven.