Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no tobira

l didn't want any of them.
The world is just like that.
People often make stuff we don't want.
That one that someone made...
The demon...
Why did you give something like that to me?
Because, the pot was meant for you.
The present inside...
A nano-machine shaped like a lymphocyte.
Dr. Mendal...
A man came to this town three years ago.
He said to himself,
l've made something horrible.

lt's designed to be transfered physically,
or aerobically.

Then, it goes into the blood
and creates more of itself.

lt moves onto a lymphocyte,
and moves wherever it pleases.

lt gets into the brain and destroys it.
Then it destroys itself and becomes protein.
lt doesn't leave any trail behind.
That's what it's programmed to do.
l just want to know one thing.
Why is Vincent alive?
Why did you do this?
For the money?
Some sort of revenge?
Or are you having fun?
l'm just looking...
Looking for a door.
A door?
l was dreaming, and l knew it was a dream.
l didn't wake up though.
Have you expeienced that before?
