Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

- Your dad owns a newspaper, right?
- Mm-hmm.

You're his only child. Someday
Mikey's gonna have to decide.

Does he want to be an assistant
crocodile wrangler...

orthe owner
ofa big-city newspaper?

That's a tough one.
And the travel will be good for him.

Remember how my trip
to New York...

sort of opened my eyes
to the ways of the world?

Made me a lot more--
What's the word?

- Sophisticated?
- Yeah.

By the way, Mick, what are
you doing with that awful trap?

You're not going to use that
on some poor animal?

No, I'm lending it to Donk.
Some mongrel's been sneaking
into the pub at night...

and knocking offhis grog.
[ Chuckles ]
Stealing Donk's beer, well,

- I guess they deserve to be mangled.
- Yeah.

Well, what aboutyou, Mikey?
What do you think?

How would you like to live
in California for a while?

- They have earthquakes there, right?
- Well, yeah, they have had.

I thoughtyou might say that.
You're gonna have lots offun.

Actually, you're the one
I'm worried about.

No, I'm fine.
Um, Mick, I seem to remember
after a few weeks in New York...

you did get pretty antsy.
Yeah, a bit antsy.
Mm, that's what I love about you, Mick.
You're always so unselfish.

No worries.
# Yeah #
# Yeah
Dance, dance, dance, dance#
