Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

Well, I don't want to monopolize
all your time here.

I was hoping we could catch up
at the studio.

That's just the way
they do things.

You don't want that, love.
Get some free food in you.
You'll feel a lot better.

You're welcome.
- Hey, you're from down under, right?
- Yeah.

I don't suppose you know
Mel Gibson.

Mel Gibson? Ought to.
Bailed him out of jail twice.

You're kidding.
You really do know him?

- I could tell some tales about Mad Mel.
- Please do.

- I could tell some tales about Mad Mel.
- Please do.

I thoughtyou said we were finished
with these prying Newsday people.

She'sjust following up on
the originalstory. I'll handle it.

No. Now she want to come snooping
around studio. You should say no.

Look, we're the new boys
in town, right?

We're supposed to be begging
for publicity.

We start banning the press,
they're gonna be all over us.

Leave this to me.
- He takes his shoes off-- Thanks, Tony.
- You're welcome.

Runs outside stark naked.
Sets fire to the building
and burns it to the bloody ground.

[ All Laughing ]
He's a mad bugger.
Excuse me.
Mel Gibson's best friend.
They're practically brothers.

I've seen them together.
Just tellin' 'em a few tales
about Mel Gibson.

- You don't know Mel Gibson.
- Yeah, I do.

You know him too.
Met him at Donk's pub.

Mel Gibson. Tall redheaded fellow,
walks with a limp.

Oh, "Mal. " Malcolm Gibson.
Not Mel Gibson.

Yeah, Mal Gibson.
They know about him over here!

Small world, isn't it?
Hey, Mick. Mick,
you give me a call anytime.

Okay, dude. Hey!
Maybe we'll do lunch.

- Mick, you're starting to scare me.
- I like Hollywood.
