Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

Moguæa eksplozivna naprava
i situacija sa taocima.

Evo nas.
Ne brinite uplašen je.
Prokleti helikopteri.
Sklonite se!
Imamo vrlo komplikovanu situaciju
za policiju ovde.

Izgleda da se osumnjièeni pojavio
sa deèkom koga drži kao taoca.

Ostani gde jesi!
Spusti bombu!
To nije bomba.
To je maèka.

Vidiš. kao kod kuæe.
Policajac je tvoj prijatelj.

Ovde su da bi nam pomogli.
To nije maèka.
To je tvor.

- Možete ga odneti odavde momci.
- Uf.

I'm on it.
- What's the hell's goin' on up there?
- Come on, buddy!

The guy said there's
something on the road.

He looks like a nut to me.
- Probably a bomb orsomething.
- It's a what?

- He says it's a bomb!
- It's a bomb! It's gonna blow!

[ All Screaming ]
Come here, boy. Come on.
He won't come out.
He's scared.

That's not a dog.
That's a--

I don't know what it is.
Some kind of possum maybe.

I've neverseen
a black and white possum.

I've never seen
a black and white possum.

I think it's a skunk.
How do you know what a skunk
looks like? We don't have 'em at home.

It looks like Pepe LePew
in the cartoons on TV. [ Chuckles ]

I thought skunks were
supposed to stink.

[ Sniffing ]
Don't stink.

Come on, boy.
Come on.
