Oh no...
What's the matter?
Someone's stolen my wallet.
Are you fucked up, kid? Who keeps
their wallet in the locker?
I had my money in it.
How much?
Fifty zloty.
Must have been some peasant-girl.
What will I do now?
T ake someone else's.
Everyone steals here.
What's your problem?
No problem.
So what're you doing here?
Waiting for my mum.
- So mum works here, then?
- Yes
What do you want?
Came to see how you are,Mr. Edek.
We know each other?
I was here a couple of years back,
with mum.
Come here,
I made a cut in the frame, look.
You did what?
I made a cut when you were little,
to show you how tall you were.