Suck a chipolata, Renata!
I'm going.
But you're too late for the choir.
I forgot.
I was to be at home at 7.
What's the time now?
Don't know.
Hey, what's the time?
One minute to shag time.
Stop jerking off and tell us.
Five past eight.
I've really got to run.
Wait, me too.
We can run you through.
Hey, hunchies, date tomorrow?
Go jump take a dump.
There must be wine, wine, wine,
If you want the girl to feel fine
Where have you been?
Mother's asking, where've you been?
I was at... choir practice
T o this hour?
Then I
went for an ice-cream.
Where did you get the money?
A friend paid.
What friend?
From school.
And what's this?
I see you're rich.
No, she paid for that as well.
Don't get fed at home, eh?
Have to beg from others.
We can eat it.
Pity to waste it.
Ugh... defrosted.
- Full.
- You cheated.
See for yourself.
Have it your way.
I'll win anyway.
I decided I won't speak to them.