Daddy and Them

Honey, it's what she wants.
She ain't gettin' any younger.

- You know all she'll talk about
is your damn ex-boyfriends.
- Here we go.

- Who wants to listen to
that shit in their right mind?
- You hate her, plain and simple.

It ain't gonna take her no hour anyway.
She's flyin' on an airplane.

Flyin' on an airplane?
Now, see there? She can afford
to fly down here on an airplane.

We can't even afford
some damn bologna...

- and candy... dreams
or whatever they are.
- Candy corn.

Wait a minute.
We ain't got no airport.

In Little Rock.
Well, yeah, in Little Rock.
That's my point.

She'll be flyin' into Little Rock.
It's the only place to fly into.

She'll done be there.
Honey, she's got somethin' she wants to
talk to us about on the ride up there.

She's gonna get a taxicab in Little Rock
to bring her out here.

Then she's gonna ride up to Little Rock
with us so she can talk to us.

See? Want some candy corn?
- That rash I get.
- Oh, yeah.

Y'all are wired different,
you and your mama.

- There's something off about you.
Your common sense is off.
- Honey...

Hey, baby, will you...
Will you rub my foot, while we're
waitin' for Mama and them, with Jergens?

Mama and them who?
Mama and them, Rose.
Rose is comin' too.

She is?
Don't act so damn happy
just 'cause you fucked her.

You're a sacrilegious person,
you know that?

I've explained
and explained to you.

If it's your girlfriend, you don't call
it fuckin'. Now, don't call it fuckin'.

You're hurtin' my foot.
So you don't mind ridin' up
to Little Rock all the way
in the car with me and Rose?

She is my sister,
and I love her!

I just don't like it
that you fucked her!

And I call it fucking,
'cause that's what you did!

Look what you did.
