We just kind of got
our feelings hurt.
I mean, God, Hazel
is my uncle, after all.
I mean, he was always sayin' how pretty
and how sexy he thought I was.
Well, no in the gross way.
Speakin' of gross, Billy...
this woman is from England.
Do you want her to think all Americans
are whiny-assed little shits like you?
- Is that what you want?
- [Claps]
- [Chittering]
- ## [Pop]
Reckon we can sop a
Pizza Boy after church?
I have to go see Uncle Hazel
in jail after church.
Sure like me some pizza.
Well, let's see, I guess...
I guess maybe
we'd better take two cars.
We're not Methodists.
Me and the girls, we can stay here.
And we'll meet up after church with ya.
Ruby can drive their car.
And you just go on and you just take
Alvin and your mama and daddy.
- That's four of ya.
- And Bill and Max in theirs.
That works out.
- Just go.
- Now, that's not right, little Rose.
You need to go to church
with Claude.
A woman needs to be
in church with her husband.
I just wish everybody'd
get on the same page.
Thank you, Jesus.
We'd like to keep the Montgomery
family in our prayers...
as O.T.'s brother, Hazel...
was incarcerated recently...
I believe it was burglary,
wasn't it, O.T.?
- Armed robbery.
- Armed robbery, then.
You don't have to tell
the whole town, Daddy.
Brother Rush, would you
strike something up for us?
Then you tell him to get hisself
back out there and fix it.