- Well... Little...
- [Telephone Ringing]
- How'd he like to have his
ass whooped? Tell him that.
- [Metal Detector Beeping]
Y'all stay off
my hind end back there.
- I'm goin' as fast as I can.
- [Beeping]
Ain't nothin' for me to whoop
a plumber's ass, I guarantee ya.
- [Beeping Continues]
- Well, at least this is a clean jail.
I guarantee you...
Bring him back out there.
We'll have a squared-off place for him.
I'll just take care of him
right then and there.
Hey, listen...
Hey, y'all...
you can't just walk through here
like that, pretty as you please.
Get back over here.
I got to check you out.
- Hey, y'all.
- [All Chattering]
- Here's your wife.
- [Chuckling]
Uh, Hazel, are you gettin' along
all right in here?
- Yeah, it's all right.
- Can you... Can you sleep pretty good?
- Yeah, all right.
- Yeah?
That's a hell of a thing to watch
a big brother and a baby brother...
talkin' to one another
on the jailhouse phone.
- Huh?
- I said...
it's a hell of a thing to see
a big brother and a baby brother...
- talkin' to one another
on a jailhouse phone.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry that
everything's greasy.
- Take a towel or somethin'
and wipe it off.
- Yeah.
Somethin' about a jail
gets me kind of horny...
even in the movies.
What do you mean?
- You mean because there's men in here?
- No, baby.
- You mean 'cause there's men in here...
- No.
And they're built up and they're
muscle men, and you like that.
- I do not.
- That's exactly what you're
talking about, isn't it?
- So I guess I'd better
get built up more...
- [Sighs]
To keep you from runnin' off
with a goddamn criminal.
Claude and little Rose...
drove all he way
from Arkadelphia...
One of these days I'm gonna do it,
Claude. You watch and see.
Honey, you know Daddy's senile. He knows
damn well we don't live in Arkadelphia.
Good morning.