[Man] A lone cowpoke went ridin' out
one dark and windy day
# Upon a ridge he rested
as he went upon his way
#And all at once, a mighty herd
of red-eyed cows he saw
# Comin'hrough
he ragged sky
#And up he cloudy draw
# Yippee yi-ya
# Yippee yi-yo
# Ghost riders in the sky
# The riders looked on by 'im
he heard one call his name
#If you wanna save your soul
from hell a-riding on his range
# Then cowboy change your way today
or with us you will ride
# Trying to catch
the devil's herd
- #Across these endless skies
- Everclear.
# Yippee yi-ya
# Yippee yi-yo
# Ghost riders in he sky
# Yippee yi-ya