Okay. You know
where you're at?
- Now, come on.
- [Wailing]
Hey, sugar britches, you just
gettin' back from the airport?
Oh, baby. Oh, my baby.
Oh, my baby. You mean,
you're not hurt too bad or dead?
You should've seen it. We whacked
the shit out of that Dually over there.
- [Chuckles]
- Big old cowboy's eyes
got as big as a pie plate.
I seen him just before we hit him.
Man, oh, man.
- You mean, you're okay?
- They were all drunk.
There doesn't seem to be anything at all
wrong with him except a bruise or two.
- Oh, God.
- See there? We was drunk.
Thank God
y'all was drunk.
- Thank God.
- Oh, baby. I've go so much
apologizin' to do to God.
Oh, baby.
Honey. Honey, please.
Please, let's never go nowhere
that we're apart, okay?
- Okay? Okay.
- Okay, honey.
If we can.
What's wrong, baby? I'm fine.
I just got knocked around a little bit.
That's all right.
Honey, who... Wait a minute.
Where's J.C.?
He's over there in the truck.
He's stuck in there.
- They're trying to prize him out.
- Is anything wrong with him?
- Well, yeah. He can't get out.
- But physical?
He's fine.
He was the drunkest one of'em.
Anyhow, we're gonna take him
to the hospital for observation.
We're gonna do chest X rays.
We're gonna check for internal injuries.
And if you wanna follow us,
you can.
- [Woman Speaking Over
Police Radio, Indistinct]
- Well, who... that?
Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
This is Tamara.
Tamara, this is my wife, Ruby. Ever
since we got here, she's been so nice.
She just practically saved my life,
even though there wasn't anything wrong.
Well, it's nice to meet you.