Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite

Find anything?
Nothing you want?

l'll pay, then we'll go.
- Can l see?
- No, there's a gift for you.

- What is it?
- lt's a surprise.

Read it... Read it...
This is really good.

This is one, too.
All books on the Holocaust.

- The Shoah.
- When'd Holocaust go out?

l've always heard Holocaust.
They say Shoah.

Everyone says Holocaust.
Holocaust means an accepted
religious sacrifice.

lt was a Shoah, a genocide,
not an offering to God.

That series was called Holocaust.
TV is serious stuff.

- Are you crazy?
- What is it?

Those are argu... Skip it!
l'm sorry, l didn't know.
- Michelle!
- Oh, Bertrand!

- How are you?
- Fine.

- A new helmet?
- Like it?

- l'm glad to see you.
- Me, too.

- Where you living now?
- At my mom's.

- How's Valerie?
- Just fine.
