Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite

- Shit, l forgot the groceries!
- What? l'll get them.

No, l'll go.
- Can l see your books?
- Sure. That one's for Michelle.

- Leonard Cohen, great!
- Albert Cohen.

And this?
- Here, look.
- For me?

- ''Lord, take me by the hand. l will
follow Thee without resistance.''
- lt's a huge! l'll never get through it!

What is this?
The diary of a woman
who died at Auschwitz.

How gloomy can you get!
Stop! Francois is Jewish.
- What're you talking about?
- Jewish? That's cool!

- You're a drag.
- Cut it out. What's his problem?

A movie tomorrow?
l can't. But l'll call you, okay?
lf we'd met now it would work out.
- So l wouldn't need to abort. Cool.
- l'll take that.

Anyhow, living together is hell.
So long.
- Bye. Sorry.
- Forget it.

The general gloom concerns us all.
l wanted to be a vet, too.

Try enrolling at vet school...
How could you have fallen
for a nitwit like that?

- lt's the other way!
- What? lt's not that way.

- So long.
- Let's keep in touch.

You bet.
l was nuts about him.
Funny how you can be crazy in love,
then, just like that,

not give a damn.
Why'd you say l'm Jewish?
- Aren't you?
- Maybe.

''November 4
Who am l?''

''Jews in lslam...''
Cut it out, teach!
''ln Judaism, the act
is the most important because...'' Ali!

- For Japan.
- Cut it out!
