Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite

Joseph! There's something
l don't get.

- ls herb tea okay?
- Fine.

l caught a sore throat.
There's a thing l don't get...
The work forbidden on Shabbat
are things no one ever does.

Stuff like...
You can't sheer sheep,
tear out 2 stitches and redo them,
write 2 letters, erase,
then rewrite them...

What's the connection
with phones and lights?
Why stuff like that?

Turning on lights...
Sorry, l'm sustaining my cancer.

Turning on a light,
that's easy to explain...

You create a flame.
When you make contact,

you create a little flame.
And fire's forbidden.

Why don't they say that, then?
They put stuff you never do...
Write 2 letters... l don't get it.
Neither do l.
''Next Saturday...''
The bus!
- We'll miss it. We're late.
- l'd rather walk.

We can't, we're late. Laurent's
expecting us, it'll take us 20 min.

We said we'd spend time together.
Then a cab.
No, no, no...
They eavesdrop on buses.
Please, it's too far to walk.

- l'm not taking the bus.
- Why not?

- l don't feel like it.
- What's wrong?

What's wrong today?
First, no activities and now no bus.

That doesn't mean anything's wrong.
- Want a cigarette?
- l don't feel like smoking.

Strange! lt's Saturday,
no cigarettes, no bus...

Don't lie to me.
Something's up.

You're observing Shabbat.
You're observing Shabbat.

- Admit it.
- A little.

You observe Shabbat or you don't.
Are you doing this for me?
