Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite

l'll call my mechanic friend.
They rang my doorbell once.
There was a guy and a girl...
They said they had pictures of God.
- Pictures of God?
- That's right. And l didn't...

l said,
''Show me, it might be interesting.''

They pulled out all
their slides and stuff,

and showed me a big green field,
and a flash, a halo...

That's God.
lf my mother hadn't come home,
l'd be answering their phones now.

Hi, Florence.
Can l sleep over tonight?

l'm not far...
Okay, fine. All right.
- lt's okay.
- ls it?

Mom will be furious about the car.
Okay. You'll come see me?
Sure. And talk
things over. lt's very important.

You should all see a shrink!
- Come see me?
- l will.

''3 days later. Great mood!''
- Not eating?
- l don't like ham anymore.

You eat kosher now?
- Want it?
- Do l have a choice?

What in God's name did l do?
Don't act like God
was your best friend.

She drives me nuts!
Don't clash, go around.
- And l want to see Francois.
- No, hang in there.
