Domestic Disturbance

What's going on ?
It's Danny, Rick
He ran away

Are you okay?
I'm fine
It's okay, Mr. Barnes
Your wife got a call

from Mr. Morrison
Danny showed up over

Thank God, you want to
go get him?

Hold on, Mr. Barnes
There's more

What is it?
He told his father he
saw you kill a man

He told his father what?
He claims he was hiding
in the back of your Suburban

He says that's where he
saw you do it

Susan, what would make
Danny say something like this?

It's obvious,
Rick, it's Danny's way of getting
back at us for the baby
We should head down to
the station

And we'll be needing the
keys to your Suburban

I know what I saw, I'm
not making this up

He killed a guy
Danny, are you sure
you're not doing this

because you're
mad at Rick?

Diane, please
Danny, let's go over this
again, all right?

Take your time, start
from the beginning

Don't leave anything out
Send them in
It's your mother and

They're going to join us
No Dad, please no
I don't want to see him, Dad

