Domestic Disturbance

He wants me to pick them up?
Have the port lights come in
I'm expecting them this

All right, call and
make sure

Hey, how you doing ?
Good morning

How are you, Frank?
You got a hell of a
place here

Frank, I just want to let
you know I'm not taking

what happened last
night personally

I just look forward to
getting past it

But on to something more
positive here, I do have

the start- up money for
the Seacliff, $50,000

When do you think you
could start building the boats?

You know, when I went
home last night,

I couldn't
even think about sleeping

But here's what I did
think about

My son is living with you
in your house

And I have absolutely no
idea of what kind
of man you really are

and, honestly, that scares
the hell out of me

Well, Frank, you're a good
dad, you know

But before you start
letting your imagination

Run away with you here,
I'd ask you to remember

It's true that you may not
know me so well, but

you do know Danny
and he lies, I know that
He lies to his mother
his grandmother

His teachers, the police
Just about everybody, but
But what?
He doesn't lie to me
Hard as I tried, I couldn't
think of a sing le time

I didn't kill anybody,

probably not, Rick
I'm glad to hear you
say that
