Dan, listen up
Whatever the judge
decides today
I want you to know that
your mother loves you
remember that
I'll see you there
All right
Love you
Love you, too
I'm ready to go
She's bringing the car
Danny She can't hear you
I'm not afraid of you
I don't give a damn if
you're afraid of me or not
What I want to know is,
do I need to be afraid of you
What do you mean ?
This custody hearing
thing that you have
us all going to today
if we come home
without you
that's going to upset
your mom
and like I said to you
I can't allow that to happen
Now, I know that you
love your dad very much
How would you feel if
something happened to him?
Look, I'll do whatever
you want
Just, please,
leave them alone
I want both parties
to know
That a child of
Danny's age
is old enough to have a
voice in determining
which parent he would be
better off living with
Now, that being said
call your witness
Mr. Berman
Thank you
Your honour, we'd like to call
Danny Morrison to the stand
Hello, Danny