"And the prince was led
into a world
of strange
and beautiful magic."
Hey, you guys,
guess what?!
I can't
believe this!
My mom said the school
is closed today
- because it's flooded.
- No way.
- Yeah.
- Holy shit!
That's the best news
I've ever heard!
My God, is this
ever going to stop?
yes it will.
But right now I got
12 classrooms full of water,
all coming from
a busted water main.
- What else?
- What else?!
Principal Cole,
I'll show you what else.
That's unbelievable.
That's solid bronze,
isn't it?
- Yep.
- How did this happen?
Beth's mom said
the boys' locker room
was flooded and they found
feces everywhere.
- What are feces?
- Baby mice.
Has anyone ever told you
that you're sexy?
I like
your boobs.
School was cancelled.
Do you want
to walk me home?
- Don't look so freaked.
- I'm not.
You should check
your backpack,
those guys love
to steal shit.