Whatever will help him, really,
because that's why
we're here.
We just would like him
to experience some...
So if you think that
more medication will do that,
then I think we should
give it a try.
Donnie Darko.
I know.
Good morning,
you mongrels!
Good morning.
Is that all the gusto
you can muster?
I said, "Good morning!"
Good morning!
Now that's a tiny,
tiny bit better.
But I can still sense
some students out there
who are actually afraid
to say, "Good morning!"
- Good morning!
- Yeah, that's what I like to hear!
Because entirely too many
young men and women today
are completely paralyzed
by their fears.
They surrender their bodies
to the temptation
and destruction of drugs,
alcohol, and premarital sex.
Now, I'm going to tell you
a little story today.
It's a heartbreakingly
sad story
about a young man
whose life was
completely destroyed
by these instruments
A young man,
searching for love
in all the wrong places.
His name was Frank.
Hi, my stepsister...
Iike, I sometimes worry
that she eats too much.
- Shut up, Kim!
- Sweetheart, please.
How can I decide what I want
to be when I grow up?
That's a hard one.
What do I do
to learn how to fight?