through space-time,
along its center of gravity.
Like a spear.
I beg your pardon?
Like a spear
that comes out of your chest.
Umm... sure.
And in order for the vessel
to travel through time,
it's got to find a portal,
or in this case a wormhole-
Could these portals-
Could these portals
just appear anywhere, anytime?
I think that's
highly unlikely.
No, I think what you're
talking about is...
an act of God.
If God controls time,
then all time is pre-decided.
I'm not following you.
Every living thing
follows along a set path.
And if you could see
your path or channel,
then you could see
into the future, right?
Like... that's
a form of time travel.
Well, you're
contradicting yourself.
If we were able to see
our destinies manifest
themselves visually,
then we would be
given a choice
to betray
our chosen destinies.
And the mere fact
that this choice exists,
would make all pre-formed
destiny come to an end.
Not if you travel
within God's channel.
I'm not going to be able
to continue this conversation.
- Why?
- I could lose myjob.