- Charles. - Daryl, how
are you? - I'm good. You?
- Oh, good. Real good.
- Morgan, you look beautiful.
- Thank you. So good to see you.
- Great to see you.
- Thank you.
- You mind if I steal him for just one second?
- Only for a second.
- One. - Sorry.
Oh, now, this is a party.
- C.A.?
- Hmm?
Charles, we have a problem.
Don Carlos Cola does not exist.
Shari called eight different distributors,
and no one had ever heard of it.
- Oh, I like that girl.
- Hey, this is serious.
Northeast National has a fiduciary interest here, and
you know as well as I know, my name's on those documents.
- And I'm not going to jail.
- Slow down, Daryl.
We can't go charging in without hard evidence.
If it's there, we'll find it. We'll find it.
Look, I'm calling the S.E.C.
First thing in the morning.
We'll do it together, all right?
All right?
- All right.
- All right. Uh, there he is.
- Thomas! Thomas!
- Hey.
- May I introduce Daryl Chase?
- Oh, this is the man.
The one who has been working so hard
on building my future. Oh!
- This is my companion. Maque Sanchez.
- Ah!
A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Chase.
106 million.
Uh, some quarter you had.
- Some quarter.
- Well, why don't we all sit down?
Yes, why don't we?
I didn't realize that was so funny.
Mr. Chase, you have such
a beautiful accent.
Where did you learn
to speak Spanish?
Uh, if you could, um...
for one second.
Thomas. Tell me.
Did you reallocate additional working
capital towards a Don Carlos ad campaign?
Oh, I really like you.
I'm so glad
you are on our side.
So am I.
Tell me. When are you gonna
come visit us in Mexico?