I'm sorry.
It's not right, it makes me mad.
I hate it when the bad guys win.
You ever catch
any bad guys at the Bio...?
ChemCo? No. I did catch a guy
kicking the snack machine once.
-Did you take the perp down?
-Yeah. No, l mean....
-Oh, nurse. I got me a pain.
-Kiss and make it all better.
No need to disrespect.
Tell me you're not hooking up
with this rent-a-pig.
-He just guards her tight little ass.
-You should guard your mouth.
-Who's protecting who here?
-You guys just back off.
Or what? You'll pull out your gun?
Oh, fuck! He don't have a gun.
-He's got his little mace can.
-I'll call the cops.
By the time they get here,
l'll be scraping Renty off my boots.
-Renty, go guard a pile of crap.
-Like the one you crawled out from?
-You didn't have to do that.
-Do what?
-Stick up for me.
No, l wasn't sticking up for you, l--
See you later.
Get your ass over here.
-Came in last night.
-Oh, man! This is just....
I know, dude. It rocks!
But it's 300 dead presidents. Damn!
That is a big problem.
Hell, no. Because l'm putting it
on a layaway deal for you.