Earth vs. the Spider

Get the hell out of here!
Are you all right, kid?
l'm Detective lnspector Jack Grillo.

I got a lot of questions.
Will you be all right with that?

Detective, l'm the facility manager.
You wanted to talk to me.

-I'd like your insights.
-I don't understand myself.

We don't have any cash here.
We're a research lab.

What kind of research?
Weapons resistance research.
Drug therapies with military ops.
I can't tell you anymore.

Can you hang around?
l'll have more questions.

Of course.
Halloran! Nobody leaves here
without you getting their names.

How can you let this happen?
Clean out your locker.
-Jeez, l hate spiders.

-Did you see that?
-It's the guy who killed his partner.

What did you say?
What do you expect,
heroes for 5 bucks an hour?

Mojo juice makes them invincible.
Yeah, makes them invincible.
