He learned things, and he will testify
in exchange for early parole.
Rachel, this man killed my parents.
I cannot let that pass.
And I need you
to understand that, please.
FlNCH: The depression hit working
people, like Mr. Chill, hardest of all.
His crime was appalling, yes,
but it was motivated not by greed...
...but by desperation.
Given the 1 4 years served, as well as
his extraordinary level of cooperation...
...with one of this office's
most important investigations...
...we strongly endorse his petition
for early release.
Mr. Chill?.
Your Honor...
...not a day goes by that I don't wish
I could take back what I did.
Sure, I was desperate,
like a lot of people back then...
...but that don't change what I did.
FADEN: I gather there is a member
of the Wayne family here today.
Has he got anything to say?.
WOMAN 1 : He's coming out the side!
MAN 1 : He's coming out the side, guys!
MAN 2:
Bruce Wayne!
Joe! Hey, Joe!
Falcone says hi.
Come on, Bruce.
We don't need to see this.
I do.