A little the worse for wear, I'm afraid.
What was the plan, Crane?.
How were you gonna get
your toxin into the air?.
Scarecrow. Scarecrow.
Who were you working for, Crane?.
Oh, it's too late.
You can't stop it now.
MAN: Happy birthday, Bruce.
-Thank you. Thanks.
And thank you for that item.
You're welcome.
-I know you'll put it to good use.
-I already have.
How long would it take
to manufacture on a large scale?.
Weeks. Why?.
Somebody's planning to disperse
the toxin using the water supply.
The water supply won't help you
disperse an inhalant.
Unless you have a microwave emitter
powerful enough...
...to vaporize all the water
in the mains.
A microwave emitter like the one
Wayne Enterprises just misplaced.
Earle just fired me for asking
too many questions about it.
Go back to Wayne Enterprises now
and start making more of that antidote.
The police are gonna need as much
as they can get their hands on.
My security clearance
has been revoked.
That wouldn't stop a man like you,
would it?.
I suppose not.
-Bruce, there's somebody you must meet.
-Not now, Mrs. Delane.
Now, am I pronouncing this right...
...Mr. Ra's al Ghul?.
You're not Ra's al Ghul.
I watched him die.
But is Ra's al Ghul immortal?.