How can you be so ungrateful?
How can you be so unkind to God?
Today I am starting Cathecism classes for all those
lost souls who because of the war
haven't had their First Communion yet.
Vladek, Pyra... Maria, Romek and you too Tolo.
I want you all there at the first class this afternoon
after the Mass. Be there or you're dead!
-Now, what is the Holy Communion?
-A wafer?
-Tolo thinks it's a wafer. Vladek, what do you think?
-It is the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.
-Exactly, Romek.
Ooh, Jesus!
-Who's got a knife?
You little fools. You think it's wine and drinking
at the altar every Sunday at Holy Communion?
No! It's the Blood of Christ.
It is not the wafer, it's Christs Flesh.
-Can I have my knife back?
-Father, Father!
The Germans came to Batylin field.
They're looking for pigs.