Close your eyes.
Evil demon that stop tooth grow.
Nothing, nothing! A-ha-ha-ha!
He can't do it! This should be easy!
You did that on purpose, you little dwarves.
-If you go, you can't come back.
I'm leaving! Robal was right.
Bunch of kids and a girl..
..and a sissy Jew, playing Jesus.
-Pyra. Pyra, don't go. I love you.
Stop right now. Don't touch me!
You are not Jesus.
-And YOU should be on those trains!
-Romek, hey!
-My nose! My nose!
-Pyra... Pyra... Pyra... Pyra.
-Pyra, Pyra, Don't go.
-Mama, my nose is broken. Mama.
I had to go for myself. People were whispering that
Jews were going in one direction only.